So yesterday, we had a pretty awesome rehearsal for our show Music Man (if you are in cincinnati, come see it at MNDT). But there is one tiny problem with being in a show that requires dancing.... having a broken foot.
back in December, I broke my right foot (5th metatarsal to be specific #smartanatomystudent) during Once On This Island. It was a Jones fracture which means that it was higher up on the bone (or something like that) which also means that they don't always heal without surgery. But mine healed properly in the normal amount of time..... YEAH RIGHT!!!
So, in JULY, I still have my good old broken foot. And there I was in rehearsal dancing the cake walk and the charleston #badass with my throbbing foot that I really wanted to cut off at that moment.
anyways, enough complaining. here are some photographs (NOT MINE) that I will probably use to inspire my own:)
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